


Common Techniques

Common techniques are just that… common maneuvers or spells or tricks you can use often to great effect on the battlefield. Some techniques have a down arrow symbol ↓ that stands for 'Step Down'. This allows you to step down your advantage on an attack by one step, such as from d8 to d6 to activate an additional or a more powerful effect from a technique. You cannot step down to a disadvantage however.

Modifies: Melee Strike
↓ Hit: Deal an additional 1d6 damage for each source of advantage stepped down.
Effect: You grant advantage to all attacks against you until the end of next round.
Modifies: Melee Strike, Ranged Strike
Hit: Target is immobilized until end of next round.
↓ Hit: Target is immobilized (save ends).
Modifies: Melee Strike, Ranged Strike
Hit: Target is marked by an ally within short range of you or the target until the end of next round.
↓ Hit: Target provokes an opportunity attack from the ally that marked them if the target shifts or moves while marked.
Modifies: Melee Strike
Hit: Slide target 1 square and you gain advantage on your next attack against that target before the end of next round.
↓ Effect: Shift 1 square to a square adjacent to the target.
Modifies: Melee Strike, Ranged Strike
Hit: Target is slowed until end of next round.
↓ Hit: Target is slowed (save ends).
Modifies: Melee Strike, Ranged Strike
Hit: Target is staggered until end of next round.
↓ Hit: Target is staggered and cannot shift until end of next round.
Modifies: Melee Strike, Ranged Strike
Hit: Target is knocked prone.
Modifies: Melee Strike
Hit: Target is pushed 1 square and you gain advantage on your next attack against that target before the end of next round.
↓ Effect: Shift 1 square to a square adjacent to the target.

Heroic Techniques

Signature Techniques